Thursday, July 16, 2009

Problems on Maui???

A coworker on the mainland told me just before I left for Maui:
"You know, you're still going to have the same problems," he said as he cornered me in the copier room. "You are still going to struggle with what ever you have been struggling with here." Then he paused for effect. "But you know where you get to have those problems and struggles?"
"On Maui," I replied with a smile, "I get to have my problems, on Maui."

That is the truth. You can't escape yourself, your worries, your problems, your personal jihad's, no matter how far away you go. Some people think that perpetual sunny weather, constant supply of pineapple and coconut and a giant ocean for your back yard would be enough to dissolve all worries and concerns but it doesn't work that way.

Some of us come to Maui to escape or run away from ourselves and the day to day difficulties of life. We think it will be vacation forever here. Then after a couple of weeks the newness dies down and you begin to have to do the dishes in the sink, fold the laundry, and pay the bills. It can be a big bummer if you don't remind yourself of one important thing. "You get to do the dishes, fold laundry and pay bills…" (pause for effect) "on Maui!"

That is where I am at this week, week three of living on this rock. My job is becoming more stressful and demanding, my air mattress is becoming more uncomfortable and the toilet is due for a scrub. My mind has begun again the familiar babble of "blah, blah, worry, worry, money, worry, bad smell in the car, worry, did I say the right thing, worry, is my butt getting bigger, worry, blah, blah." I noticed once this week, as I was frantically driving down the hill from work, that I had missed one of my favorite views (a spot where you can see both the north and south shore). I could not believe that I had already started to take it for granted.

I was upset at myself and the world because it just doesn't seem right to have to worry about my butt, my bills or the toilet. I am on Maui. "No worries, hang loose, chill out, be cool bra!" Right?

I am sure there are some folks who can be totally chill forever on Maui but I think his name is Willie Nelson and if I am not mistaken I believe he has a little help from is friend THC.

As for me, I am taking it a day at a time.
My co-worker was right. I am the same here. Same problems, same struggles. The laundry still needs to be done, the toilet needs to be cleaned and the dishes are not going to wash themselves.

But every morning before the "blah-blah" of my brain turns on I get to walk down to the ocean and slip my body into the warm water. I get to watch the sun rise up above the mountains as I catch my first wave of the day. I get to put fresh pineapple and mango on those dirty dishes and I get to watch the wind play chase through the acres of sugar cane fields. And I think; "If I'm gonna have problems, I'm gonna have my problems… on Maui."


  1. I wish I could have my problems....on Maui!!!! Love the blogs....please keep them coming :)
